FFL Upload Form

  1. Please contact the FFL (non-NFA items) or FFL/SOT (NFA items) that you will be using to conduct the transfer.
  2. Have them email you a file of their FFL.
  3. Upload their FFL or FFL/SOT using the upload form below.

Thank you!

If you need further help, please email us at support@twogruntsinc.com.

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Click or drag files to this area to upload.You can upload up to 5 files.
Please contact the FFL or the FFL/SOT you plan to use for the transfer. Have them email you a copy of the FFL or FFL/SOT. Once you have the license, please upload it here. If you have a non-NFA item, then the only file you need to upload is the FFL you plan to use. If your item is an NFA product, then you will upload the FFL/SOT. Thank you and if you have any questions, please email support@twogruntsinc.com and we will gladly help you.